A Proud History

Three generations of commitment to crabs and seafood
American Crab Company, parent company to Bucks County Seafood, is a third generation, family owned business dating back over 45 years. The Green family owned and operated the widely popular Blue Point Crab in Philadelphia for many years. Since then, we have been specializing in selling wild caught, fresh seafood and are proud of our reputation as one of the finest seafood destinations in the Delaware Valley.
Visualize a man wearing a floppy crab hat standing on a street corner pitching passerbys to stop in and buy some crabs. That's how it all started for American Crab Co. Fred Green Sr. pitching "Crabs, Crabs, Crabs...if you Want the Crabs, We've Got the Crabs." From those humble beginnings, Green Sr. went on to purchase Blue Point Crabs in NE Philadelphia and turned it into one of the most popular crab houses in the country.
Years later, he joined forces with son Fred Jr. and they moved from their NE location to Trevose PA. The name changed to American Crab Company when they moved to Trevose, PA and just recently expanded the business by doubling their space. They offer the best selection and quality of crabs 7 days a week, all year long. The business is a fixture for every crab loving consumer in the Delaware Valley.

A success story
Tiffany McCarthy, Age 14
Accounting 2
Period 2
Business Success Story
The Crab Guy
When asked to do this essay, I didn't have a clue on who the person would be that I would pick to write about. It took me tons of time to think about who I would choose to write a paper on. I thought about aunts, uncles, anyone in my life who I thought was successful. Then it dawned on me, I don't have to KNOW this person. It could be a person I've read about, or even heard a story about. Then it dawned on me who my success story was – The Crab Guy.
I was 11 years old when I started going to our house in the mountains. It was only about a 45 minute to an hour ride to get there but it seemed like an eternity. After several times of taking the long ride, I would find myself making destination points in my head, trying to make the ride go faster. He was only about twenty minutes into the trip, but he was my favorite point. He was a guy who stood on the corner wearing a red-foam hat that looked like a crab. He sold crabs there and was very well known by the people who passed that corner. From then on, to me, he was “Destination: Crab Guy.”
It wasn't until years later – after we stopped going to the mountains and I had already long forgotten about the Crab Guy – that he crossed my mind. My house is on Pratt and Worth Streets, therefore I live around the corner from a well-known seafood restaurant in our neighborhood called the Blue Point. One night on the way home from work, I asked my Dad if he remembered that man with the crab hat. To my surprise, he told me that he knew the Crab Guy and that the Crab Guy had bought the Blue Point. I was shocked. For some reason this was awesome to me, a man who for so many years stood on a street corner – now owns a restaurant!
I now drive by and admire what he has done with the place, but have more admiration because his story is a TRUE success story. He had built up a job of selling crabs on a street corner to a career of owning a well-known restaurant. He works hard at his goal in life and earned his dream. Now to me, that's success.